1. open this website: www.instagram.com
2. log in with your account
3. go to your profile and select "settings"
4. click on "privacy and security"
5. scroll down to "data download" and click on "request data"
6. log in with your account again
7. wait for an e-mail. this might take up to 2 days.
includes all of your comments and live comments, the date of the comment and the instagram profile you posted it on.
includes the list of the accounts you blocked, the sent follow requests, the accounts you are currently following and those, who are following you.
includes your contact list from your mobile device if you gave permission to connect your contacts. it contains also lost phone numbers.
includes folders sorted by date that contain all photos and videos you have sent via direct message.
includes a list all the like you put on media and comments and its time and place (instagram account).
includes a list of urls of your posted photos and stories, sent photos via direct message, current profile picture and the capture, if given.
includes all private conversations and reactions to stories. it contains the sent text and its author.
includes folders sorted by month and year. they store the media from your instagram account. it is not containing any deleted media post.
includes your current profile picture as a jpeg-file.
includes all information regarding your profile: the time you joined instagram, the url to your current profile picture, your email address and phone number, your gender, name and username, as well as the setting of your account (public or private).
includes all the saved media and the name of the account that has published it.
includes a list of your search clicks from the last months, as well as the name of the account, hashtag or place you clicked on.
includes your instagram settings like the list of your blocked commenters, filtered keywords and if everyone is allowed to comment or not.
includes folders sorted by month and year which contain all the stories you posted as jpeg- or mp4-files.
J: sehr lange liste
D: ungeordnet
A: Entspricht nicht Menge der Posts, weil man in einen Post jetzt auch mehrere Bilder zugleich Posten kann
J: etwas kryptisch
J: sehr lange liste (lange wurst)
D: wann genau, wer hat es angeschaut/kommentiert/geliked, wo sind die archivierten/gelöschten fotos?
A: wann gepostet etc.?
J: müssten die nicht meine vorherigen profilfotos auch haben?
D: wo sind die anderen profilbilder, und daten?
A: wo sind meine alten profilbilder?
J: habe diesen ordner gar nicht!!