1. open this website: www.privacy.apple.com
2. log in with your apple-id
3. proceed with the two-factor authentication
4. click "continue" or read the info on "apple-id & privacy"
5. click "request a copy of your data"
6. select what you want to download & click "continue"
7. choose maximum file size
8. click "complete request"
9. wait for an e-mail. it might take up to seven days.
date, time and subject of recent appointments
one month of call history including:
caller id / number
call status / missed/cancelled/connected
caller location
timespan of call
recent emails, content, sender id, country, date
file with locations, but nothing here
every single wifi network that was logged into, including country and time of last connection
a relatively huge amount of documents from your computer sorted exactly like in the folders you created on your device
list of apple id creation dates
device serial number
last digits phone number
date device added
date, ip adress and application
repair request date and device number
game names, leaderboard id, date played
all bookmarks and recently deleted ones
all the reminders you have created, icluding exactly when (date and time) as well as the status of the reminders, meaning if they are completed, open, …
all of your created and deleted notes
all of the contacts you have saved on your phone
J: was ist das?
R: guter datensatz
J: ganz lange wurst
R: gutes material, an länge und nummer lassen sich viele sachen erkennen
J: weiss nicht wirklich was das ist
J: kryptisch
R: viel json input
J: wieso genau diese nummern?
J: wieso genau diese ordner?
J: sollten sie nicht auch die nachrichten an sich haben?
R: ein paar wiener locations, warum ausgerechnet diese. // immer virallem postleitzahl. bezieht sich auf login
J: was für eine auswahl ist das?
R: gutes bewegungsprofil
J: weiß gar nicht, dass ich all diese einstellungen habe
J: what is a IMEI?